Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Condorcet's Progress of the Human Mind (extra credit)

I summarized for you Condorcet's Progress of the Human Mind in class.  You will get a somewhat better feel for Condorcet is you read the essay for yourself.  Please read through this abridged version.  What do you see here that adds to or modifies the impressions of Condorcet you got from lecture? 


  1. This version is way longer and I am glad that you shortened it so much. It was nice to see how he formed the connection between education and everything else. As for the part where he talks about land and farming I feel the way we have it now is better. There is not enough land for everybody and a lot of the land would be bad land like swamps and desert. There is only so much good farm land out there and I feel they do a good job keeping the world feed.
    -Mitchell Holler

  2. This article is about the human mind and what it can process and what it cant. It can comprehend relationships, facts, objects, but nature as a whole.. In hope a greater number of individuals will pursue more complex studies. But the men that are destined to push back against science are very small. Obstacles that we face such as labor, work and the increase of population make us wonder about the limit we can reach. They believe that the time will come when death will be only result from a bad accident and a gradual wearing out of vitality. In the end it states that, If you doubt it, you will never become immortal.

    -Lexi Lockhart

  3. After reading the abridged version of Condorcet's "Progress of the Human Mind," I realized that he is probably more incorrect that I initially thought. He is too assured and forward about his beliefs. He talks about them as if they are fact that can not be disputed.
    I personally agree that education is the first step to a good society; but it is not the only step. I think that e are facing so many problems because people have finaly figured out how to completely take advantage of Captitolism. That is why we have (I dont know the exact numbers) like 80% of all the money in our country in the pockets of only 1% of the people.
    -Evan Brandner

  4. This is a tough one for me because while I do agree that reason has and can lead us in a positive direction that it can also be used to an extent that poses negative outcomes. By this I mean that Condorcet has "reasoned" outcomes that reality simply can not support.
    Matthew Traylor
