Monday, August 31, 2015

Get Involved!

Please stop by the "Club Rush" tables set up on the campus green on Wednesday, September 2 (10-1). Which of the organizations/activities represented at the Fair interests you the most?

Bonus: which organization offered the best "freebies"?

No chance to visit the Fair? Well, you can do the next best thing: look at the on-line list of student clubs on the NSU web site (see the drop down menu when you scroll over the "Clubs" link in the left-hand sidebar on this page: No free food, but you can earn your extra credit (one whole point!) by commenting here on the organization that looks most interesting to you.


  1. The club that interests me most is The Campus Activities Board (CAB). This club sponsors numerous social, recreation and educational activities each year including live comedy shows, concerts, speakers and special events. It interests me because I enjoy meeting new people and showing my leadership skills.

    - Lexi Lockhart

  2. I walked through the Club Displays on the green, and saw some interesting clubs. I'll be thinking about a few, but I'm not committed yet. Thank you.

    -Joe Jay

  3. I was able to speak with a few of the groups and am looking forward to getting some more information on the Psychology Club in particular.
    As for freebies: the Korean Club.
    Matthew Traylor

  4. The most interesting club was the Pre-Physical Therpy Club because it's the club that is the most similar to my future career. They also provided candy and other goodies!

  5. I liked how there was a wide variety of clubs at the club rush. There was literally something for everyone. I liked CAB in particular because they plan campus events for all students. I also liked that the aware wolves were giving away free sunglasses. That was the best "freebie" there.

    Lizzy Katz

  6. To me, the most interesting club was the rugby club. i have always been interested in playing rugby since my senior year of football ended. This year I decided to sign up for the team. I also enjoyed the Pre-physical therapy club because I may go into physical therapy. I also think that they had the best freebies. they were giving out frutties and I love those pieces of candy!

  7. To me, the most interesting club was the rugby club. i have always been interested in playing rugby since my senior year of football ended. This year I decided to sign up for the team. I also enjoyed the Pre-physical therapy club because I may go into physical therapy. I also think that they had the best freebies. they were giving out frutties and I love those pieces of candy!

  8. The club I found most interesting was speech and debate. It seemed like a great activity to compete in to improve public speaking skills. I feel the best freebies came from the rugby club because they had cupcakes.
    Hannah Higdon

  9. So, I'm a little biased. The club I found most interesting was the Lions club, mostly because I'm the secretary. But if I had to pick a different club to be involved in, it would probably be InterVarsity because it's really nice to fellowship with fellow believers.
    -Alicia Kuipers

  10. I found the Association for the Education of Young Children (AEYC) the most interesting because I'm going into education and to learn more about the early childhood is pretty intriguing. I enjoy helping children to learn new things so to start helping them in early years is pretty cool and I think this club is doing a great thing.
    -Jamie Mlnarik

  11. I wasn't able to go to the fair. I did walk by some stalls between my classes and looked online at the different clubs, but I really didn't see anything I'm interested in.

    -Grace Gasperich

  12. To me, the most interesting club was the Association for the Education of Young Children because I am going into Elementary education. The students at the booth were very helpful and made me feel welcomed. I may decided to join because I hear they do a lot of fun stuff revolving around kids. I thought the booth with the best freebies was the Physical Therapy booth because they were giving away my favorite candy (frutties)!
    --Breanna Hauge

  13. The clubs that interested me the most were CAB and the Business Club. I signed up for them because I want to get more involved and make decisions that will help Northern State in the long run. The people hosting the business table were very helpful and I'm hoping to figure out if I want to minor in business or not.
    -Jaeden Metcalf

  14. I really enjoyed the environment. I signed up for several clubs because they all seemed so interesting and fun. The psych club is something different that I am looking for and I enjoyed the popcorn from the student activities club. All of them seemed like a good way to meet people on campus especially if you are new
    -Bianca Rosa

  15. I thought Club Rush was pretty neat! I signed up for 3 clubs; German Club, Wolves Club, and Psychology Club. I signed up for German club because I have always been interested in the German culture and I signed up for Psychology Club because psychology is my major. The only reason I singed up for Wolves Club is because they were giving a way sunglasses and they said I couldn't have a pair until I signed up!

  16. I didn't get much of a chance to look around but I did get to sign up for a club I know i'll enjoy, Mage Club. I like this club because it has a lot of things I like. Things like D and D, LARPing, Anime, and fandoms in general. So i'm glad I at least saw a club I liked.
    --Brianna Marnette

  17. Going to club rush today was pretty interesting and fun. Two clubs grabbed my attention immediately, those being the Masquers (thearer) Club, and the Business Club. However, one club peaked my interest totally, that club being the MAGE Club. Known as the "nerd" club on campus, mage provides a fun headquarters where I can talk about video games, movies, and books, and be around people that share my deep rooted interests. It will definitely be an exciting.freshman year for sure!

    -Dillon Burton
    Western Civilization II
    10:00 A.M. M,W,F

  18. I went to the club rush on the green yesterday and found that Collegians in Christ's Service and the Newman Center were the clubs that I found most interesting. The group with the best freebies was the aware wolves club with the sunglasses

    ~Lindsey Friedrichsen

  19. Yesterday, I walked through club rush in between classes. It was really cool to see all the different kinds of clubs that NSU as to offer. I found two clubs that I am joining. I am joining the Newman Club because I am Catholic and I would love to keep my faith strong. The other club I found interesting was Campus Activities Board (CAB) because this club puts on lots of different social events each year including live comedy shows, speakers and other special events. I love to meet new people and so I thought these two groups would be a great way to do that.

    -Shelby Braun-

  20. The organization I thought was the most interesting was the Aware Wolves group. I think I'm going to become a part of it. The club with the best freebies was rugby because they had home-made cupcakes.
    -Amy Wockenfuss

  21. My roommate got me to sign up for the German club, so I am really excited for that. It looks like maybe I could learn a few words as well. Rugby also looked really interesting honestly. I liked that CAB was giving out popcorn, I was starving that day.
    -Erin Dudley

  22. I talked to a girl that was running the Ambassador's club and that was really interesting. I also checked out the Rugby club and The Christian club. I haven't committed to any clubs, but I feel like the activities fair really gets people to meet new people and involved in Northern's many activities and that's great!

  23. I am slightly biased, but my favorite club would be the Honors Program. Being involved in the Honors Programs provides so many opportunities that are not typically offered anywhere else. All the members are optimistic and willing to do whatever it takes to help each other succeed. During Club Rush, students who stopped by had the ability to sign up for the Student-Faculty Quiz Bowl and/or receive a free jump-drive!

    -Stacey McDonald

  24. The club that interested me the most was the business club. They do a variety of acticities and take trips. This one interested me because I am a business major.

    -Houstyn Heinz

  25. I liked most of the international clubs and the international club itself the best. Probably because they snagged me into taking pictures and saying I could learn a bit of their language. I'm a sucker for international students, and I love fortune cookies and I was able to take five from their table!
    -Tanner Peltier

  26. I liked the Speech and Debate team. They're all a little nerdy and Joshua is hilarious. Dr. Wachs was very helpful in suggesting pieces as well.
    -Meghan Conn-

  27. I enjoyed the CEC club because they volunteer and work with children. I enjoy doing this because I plan on becoming an elementary education teacher. The club with the best freebees was the CAB club because they gave out popcorn.

    -Amanda Rhodes

  28. I took a quick walk through after my classes and several of the booths were unmanned (it was noon). I knew I would not be joining any of the clubs although there were some I found interesting. I would be interested in: English Club;German Club; History Club; Psyche Club; Science Club; Council for Exceptional Children; AEYC- Association for the Education of Young Children; Gypsy Day Committee; Student Publication- The Exponent; MAGE; CAB; International Students Club; Activities Board; & Masquers. I didn't find a Photography Club;nor an Astronomy Club; I didn't find much for an Environmental Club; and one club that did keep me from my waiting ride was musical, the end of the row farthest from the TC building and close to the Den. Unfortunately, I cannot recall what it was called and I cannot find it in the NSU listings. I think it may have been Korea and the name was 5 letters long. Even if I could join any clubs, I would really have to limit myself in my interests or I would never get any school work done. I think 2 clubs would be enough and I would have joined that music club and then the Council for Exceptional Children and let some of the others know I would be interested in serving or helping in projects. I just have interests in almost everything :)
